Frequently asked questions

  • Just 100% local beeswax. No sneaky blends here!

  • Trim the wick to 5mm and always burn tapers in a fire resistant, stable holder and column candles on a fireproof surface. You shouldn’t need to trim your wick, however no harm in giving it a little snip between burns. Generally this is necessary if the flame looks too large or the wick is bending over. As always, never leave your candle unattended, keep away from little hands and paws and be mindful of objects within the flame’s heat radius.

  • One of the many wonders of beeswax is its long burn time. You can expect about 10 hours from tapers. Lovers burn faster due to their two wicks and will burn for 2-3 hours.

  • Should do! Our Tapers and Lovers are 2.1-2.2cm at the bottom making them ideal for standard candle holders. If they are a little large or small for your holder, an easy fix is holding a flame underneath the base of the candle for a few seconds to melt the wax slightly before pushing them into a holder. If you would like to discuss custom sizes, send me a message here.

  • The dense nature of beeswax means that if kept away from draughts and vertical in their holder, our tapers shouldn’t drip. If you do experience dripping, just check that the candle isn’t on an angle and that it is not in a spot that experiences air movements.

    Due to the curly nature of our Lovers, you can expect some dramatic drips as they melt.

  • Nope! Just pure, local beeswax. Beeswax has a subtle and sweet scent of honey. Currently, the candle industry in Australia is not regulated - meaning all kinds of nasties can be used to fragrance and colour candles and they release toxic chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that pollute the air in your home. Natural fragrance from essential oils is also known to release carcinogenic pollutants - you can read more in this ABC news piece.

  • This is bloom - a natural and expected process by which the softer oils in beeswax rise to the surface. Candles will burn just the same with or without bloom, but if you wish to remove, this is easily achieved by rubbing your candles gently with a soft cloth.